The apartment I was last in was several stories tall and, as such, the parking lot was shaded most of the day. Most of the parking spaces were even in a parking garage, so they get no sunlight. If you’re in an apartment, odds are this won’t work for you either.
There are companies working on non-permanent balcony solar though, which isn’t as good as rooftop but still something. That’ll still only work for probably about half of apartments (facing east or west), but it’s inexpensive.
We do need solutions for apartment dwellers, but a solar car probably isn’t it. We need to require a certain amount of availability of electric charging at apartments, and we also need better public transportation options and bike Infrastructure. This is a gimmick solution, not a real solution.
It’s not the ideal solution, but it is approachable and understandable for technically averse users. I think it’s good to have, but I only used it for one package, and that was as a separate Steam install that included an old version of glibc that was used in a particular game’s (Squad) anti-cheat until it updated it.
It’s good for a stable platform, but each package needs it’s own set of everything, which can be good (like the Steam example above having its own version of glibc instead of using the shared version on my system), it’s a lot of bloat. I’m not using it unless I require it for some reason, but again it’s nice to have around.