Genuine question.
I know they were the scrappy startup doing different cool things. But, what are the most major innovative things that they introduced, improved or just implemented that either revolutionized, improved or spurred change?
I am aware of the possibility of both fanboys and haters just duking it out below. But there’s always that one guy who has a fkn well-formatted paragraph of gold. I await that guy.
While I personally have not tried it, nor have many others, yet those who have tried and commented and as I have assessed via video of the device, the Vision Pro seems to be poised to once again define how we interface with the next computing platform. The spatial/immersive computing platform. It is apparently like magic and I cannot wait to try it.
Lmao. The vision pro defines nothing that wasn’t already defined by Valve / Oculus / Meta or every random AR / MR tech demo.
It brings nothing new to the table but an absurd price tag to pay for external 3DS googly eye displays.
The same was argued about the iPhone and while I will agree that really, nothing new was brought to the table from a hardware perspective, their integration is unsurpassed it would seem. We will have to wait and see, but being a heavy VR/AR user myself, the overall package Apple has provided it the gold standard right now for immersive computing interaction. Those who have used have said it was like magic and even a sharp developer made their version of the gaze interface on a Meta Quest Pro and said it was like magic. That is the innovation that others have missed. Like the Meta Quest Pro has eye tracking and could have easily had the magical user interface that uses eye gaze, but they did not. I bet they will in the next one as it does seem like this is the path forward. This is where Apple innovated and really does show that they tried a lot of input methods before they found one that just made it feels seamless.
For 3k. You and maybe 100 other folk. So real people might get it when ?
Hard to say, but I would guess that by the end of this decade more people will be wearing XR glasses than those still looking at smartphones. My guess too is the price will never be less than an iPhone today but the value will be higher as it will do more. A lot more.
I have xr glasses. They are useful for certain things. However they are really annoying. I pick up my phone a lot because glasses require a very specific situation.
Low light/ bright situation. Easy example of using them in bright sunlight. Unusable. Hat, unusable. Move them to take a drink.
I think they will be hard by a niche community. But I think cost and and usefulness
These are the limitations of the tech today, but a wave of innovation is inbound. 7 years from now XR glasses are going to much more slick and solved many of the issues you have raised. If not 2030, some point before 2040 unless we go extinct first.