First of all. This is not another “how do I exit vim?” shitpost.
I’ve been using (neo)vim for about two years and I started to notice, that I,m basically unable to use non-vim editors. I do not code a lot, but I write a lot of markown. I’d like to use dedicated tools for this, but their vim emulators are so bad. So I’m now stuck with my customized neovim, devoid of any hope of abandoning this strange addiction.
Any help or advice?
The trick is do the opposite, namely bring vim everywhere, e.g using Tridactyl you can bring some behaviors to the browser and, in this very textarea from lemmy, if I press Ctrl+i I get gvim, when I exit it, the content is back in the textarea and I can reply. Vim everywhere.
Thanks for sharing back such detailed instructions! I hope you will like it and inspire other to try. I’ve been using it for years now after Vimperator and really enjoy browsing this way.
I unfortunately deleted this comment, before seeing your reply. I thought it was too complicated for an comment. So I ended up creating a dedicated tutorial post based on that reply in Linux and Firefox communities.
lol, yes I just saw that :D No worries, thanks for sharing it there then!
With neovim you can even put vim in the textarea.