They’re only testing on people that are on their death bed right now.
They’re only testing on people that are on their death bed right now.
You obviously don’t know who Leroy Jenkins is, the laws of man do not apply.
Lead paint was non toxic until it wasn’t…
That is a legit trick to use when making commercials for pizza and other chain restaurant food, but not for eating…
I can’t believe people trust others enough to rent their house out like a hotel. I’ve already seen so many problems from this I can’t believe it’s still legal. My neighbor moved and they turned it into an AirBnB, some kids threw a party and left some trash out that poisoned my other neighbors dog. There’s a lawsuit, but the dog is still fucking dead.
Easy as shit to use to.
I think a lot of it is mined in Africa.
Most modern NICs will auto negotiate now so the cross over cable is no longer needed.
Until HP figures out how to brick it remotely when your credit card expires.
They’re not great, yet, but they’re pretty cheap and really small. They’ll probably get a lot better in the future though, remember the speed of x86 CPU’s was once measured in MgHZ. I remember my first P4 with one whole GgHZ of speed, before even dual core CPU’s.
x86 is dying, legacy processing. It’s all GPU’s and ARM processing now. Apple is leaning hard into it so they set themselves as a leader in AI in the future.
Half the mods in the big communities work for ad agencies. Fact…
I just got a $20 raspberry pi and sail the seven seas, streaming companies hate me.
You have a choice to not use tiktok, in this day and age you don’t really have a choice to not use a phone…
So NSA backdoors are mandatory but Chinese ones are bad.
Depends on the board, yeah probably better than some of the chans, reddit, hands down Facebook is better. At least most Facebook people don’t pretend to hide behind psudo anonymity and I can see most of my Facebook friends in real life if I want to.
No, if you take way facebook those people will move to either reddit on the left or /pol/ on the right. At least /pol/ takes some critical thinking skills to get to so the trolls there have to do something half smart, reddit is just an echo chamber. I’ll take Facebook grannies over either though.
I’m an American but even I know your in the minority with that opinion. You tell everyone in the EU to throw away their iPhone and delete their Facebook, I’m sure it’s gonna be really easy to convince your EU friends. I have a little respect for Apple, not a lot of companies will psudo stand up to the US government after the Boston Bomber on privacy grounds, even if it was just for show.
They’ll just stop selling their products in the EU before that bridge is even on the horizon.
Netgear Nighthawk is the one you want if your spending money anyway.