Yeah. Current generation learning models can do impressive things in the hands of a skilled engineer, but Elon is leading a round of class warfare against skilled engineers right now.
Shareholders need to decide which they really want to bet on to win.
Makes sense. I’m not picky about which exact risks our entitled overconfident billionaires opt to take.
I mean, if anyone ever introduces the average shareholder to those executive decision desk toy spinners, the average CEO is fucked.
Sometimes I’m reminded that there’s always a chance that they go submarine diving or some such with another overconfident crony who thinks their skills got them where they are today.
That out of the way, FSD sucks, and it’s getting worse, not better.
It’s almost like they bet on the AI to teach the AI, rather than continuing to pay for skilled engineers.
Buckle up folks, we’re going to see a lot more of this, across every industry, before the lawsuits go into high gear and anything gets better.
Was the byline written by AI?
This comment was also brought to you by the artificial intelligence boom, and has as much to do with it.
You can still purchase this comment as an NFT.
I’m working with a supplier to create a limited edition Pog, with this comment printed on it.
This is the official comment of the new millennium.
This comment is drifting slowly backwards in time, in hopes of escaping the AI hype machine into an earlier, equally stupid hype train, but one made more tolerable by nostalgia.
This comment still only costs 5 cents.
I still get the meaningless Internet points though, right?!
I think they are absolutely, positively, going to breach their face database and everyone’s purchase history all over the Internet.
I’ve been watching for an event like this with popcorn ready.
I’ve got a good/bad/terrible feeling that they’re playing for keeps in the race to be the biggest consumer privacy headline public relations disaster.
What’s the benefit to the customer here?
There’s no intended benefit to the customer.
Honestly, they’ll probably miss that and pay massive fines in Illinois. It seems to be the traditional approach by companies that get into facial recognition to also not bother to listen to anyone who could have told them not to.
If even 1% of their companies pay off, they make a profit.
I suspect they make a profit even when 0% pan out. They just need to find someone gullible enough to buy in at the peak, and there’s a new sucker born every minute.
I don’t mean sarcasticly, honestly. As you said, it’s still valuable science.
“border authorities and their supporters in Congress are continuing to promote unproven, AI-driven technologies as the latest remedy for years of failures, including the ones voiced in the memo obtained by NBC News. These systems involve cameras controlled by algorithms that automatically identify and track objects or people of interest. But in an age when algorithmic errors and bias are being identified nearly everyday in every sector including law enforcement, it is unclear how this technology has earned the trust of the government.”
It’s easy to conclude that the intent here was always to establish an automated general threat of harm - to all poor people in sight of these towers.
We’ve known for almost 20 years that it’s not converging on anything like a solution to the excuses given for setting it up.
But spending that money starts to make sense when examined through a lens of a mindset of open class warfare.
I love that someone even bothered with a study.
(Edit: To be clear, I am both amused, and also genuinely appreciate that the science is being done.)
This is great stuff.
My comment from the peanut gallery today is just that there’s no law that CI/CD can’t be kept under control and run in ten seconds.
Given the choice between a slow out of control CI/CD mess, or a shell script, I too will take the shell script every time.
But I am living my best life today, and have a simple shell script in my CI/CD pipeline.
But what if it actually is magic this time? Just this once!? And we miss the hype train?! (This is a sarcastic impression of real conversations I have had.)
How are producers/consumers okay with everything being so mediocre??
“You’re always trying to make everything just a little bit worse so that you can feel good about having a lot more of it. I love it. It’s so human!” - The Good Place
They also last longer than the premade stuff,
And they’re a much nicer experience. It’s funny how fast even minimum hardware performs when it’s doing what I ask it to, instead of spying on me.
And this is why, if the problem is solveable, it must be solved by learning models shepherded by expert engineers. The LLMs can take care of the long boring stretches, freeing skilled engineer time to fine-tune an LLM algorithm hybrid for the tricky bits.
I’m inclined to believe the problem is solveable, but since I’m not selling anything, I’m allowed to say “if”. Heh.