Thanks for clarifying! Took a deeper look on my computer and I guess I learned that NoScript was misidentifying due to the cors or something. Just had to call it out before, as one can never be too careful these days :D
Old Profile:
Thanks for clarifying! Took a deeper look on my computer and I guess I learned that NoScript was misidentifying due to the cors or something. Just had to call it out before, as one can never be too careful these days :D
I use iperf3 with Speedtest’s servers, personally. But for a browser, yes JavaScript is needed… But needing JavaScript files from like 20 different domains is typically a red flag for me on any site.
The NoScript list terrifies me a little though… Not sure what’s going on there, but that’s a lot of JavaScript lol.
Try using the private IP options instead and see if that works. The generic one being, but other options that include ad voicing and such ranging from to or something like that. I’ve got my entire network setup behind their VPN and a a pihole pointing to one of their private DNS addresses without any issues. I left their pubic DNS years ago so that I could make sure my DNS requests were always within the tunnel instead
Even if a game doesn’t look like it’ll work based on protondb, try it anyway. Many times I’ve had games that were marked as low ratings start up without any changes lol. I remember even when d4 beta came out, I saw people struggling to install and play it on the first weekend… Worked out of the box for me.
I also use Linux mint with cinnamon… Is this not just the Ctrl + Fn + arrow key? I think that’s it, or maybe shift (not at my computer to check). Either way, I use this all the time to fit windows either on 50% of the left or right, or in one of the 4 corners. For example, if I want it in the top right, I just use the hot keys and target right then up.
I tend to find out about vulnerabilities before it hits the news outlets from the rss feed at
Other than that, I’ve got a bunch of other security feeds I follow and also have automated updates with just about everything.
I personally use it on a protectli with the 2.5G ports. I also replaced my ISP modern with a protectli running OpnSense. Decided to opt into that as my solution to have two different softwares protecting my network and also so I could scope internet facing devices at the OpnSense level instead of internal to the network. Just in case they get compromised, they can’t access the rest of the network. Call me paranoid… But I also find it much easier to manage lol.
Just to get it out there… I checked this out about a year ago. It’s not completely open source. The project consists of many executables and “pre complied dependencies” that don’t appear to share matching checksums which may indicate modifications of some sort. Looks like a great tool, but I’m extremely skeptical of what’s going on under the hood.
Hopefully they do truly open source it and prove me wrong, I’d love to give it a try some day.
Glad I looked at this thread. The fact they’re cheap and have what sound like reliable PoE hats… Tempted to replace a few old Pis lol. Maybe. But can at least say no future devices will be Pis at this point.
Note: only using them for simple things. Wireguard VPN (no I don’t have a fast internet so I don’t need more than the 1gb connection speed), pi hole, and a touch panel I installed that connects to home assistant on the wall.