(1) ngl that is amazing, a heart-warming story
(2) still fuck Elon Musk
(1) ngl that is amazing, a heart-warming story
(2) still fuck Elon Musk
As long as we are still talking about Reddit, I want you to have Huffman’s anus as well:-). Have you tried sending him a picture of you dressed up as Elon Musk? Maybe you could become friends with Musk first, by sending him a picture of you dressed up as Donald Trump? :-P
NO - you would need a power level to be over 9000 for that.
This is half that. So you have only half control of the Universe. Like, you have to submit a request to your boss to use your power to do anything, but then he/she gets to either accept or deny your request. Requests must be submitted in triplicate and accompanied by a notary public cosignee signature. Other terms & conditions apply. Also, Huffman has veto power, and your requests may be lost or ignored at any time - but if YOU ever lose or ignore a reply in turn, then you are banned.
Yet one more reason to say: Viva la revolución!
B/c Reddit has decided that you needed moar Reddit, so that you can haz Reddits while you are also Redditing.
That, or they are counting on someone, somewhere, to be dumb enough to fall for it.
Watch as people absolutely do. :-(
Watch as he burns through it in one:-).
Also, bold of us to assume that he has not already spent it:-P.
Didn’t we do this already, last week, or is this another one like it?
I wouldn’t mind if like I told my phone to send out a signal “I am a man, but I like cold tea”. Partnering together with the machine to help me buy something I will enjoy is truly helpful.
Consent makes all the difference in the world.
Ofc it could have been benign, but there is no evidence that it was, while conversely everything that we currently know points to a breach of ethics.
One, they did not fully disclose that a camera was even there (unless I am mixing up this story with another one just like it?). That also makes it impossible to…
Two, they did not obtain proper (or any) consent. A banking ATM that needs to use your face to verify your identity could be an example of a benign use, and ignoring the enormous potential security implications of that atm, it could do so with a popup on the screen “Do you consent to having your face observed?”, “Do you consent to storage of your facial data in our database?”, “Do you consent to us selling the marketing data we collect from analysis of your facial data?”. They did none of this.
Three, when asked about it, they lied. Technically they obfuscated the truth, which is just another way of stating that they lied.
Ofc it COULD have been benign, but so far they are zero out of three already towards that end - and that is even from just what we know so far.
Their corporate website mentions that they use the data for marketing purposes. Whatever type of face they see - e.g. male or female, large or skinny, etc. - gets correlated with what was purchased, and then they sell that data for marketing purposes. Exactly like Google selling your search history, except with likely fewer restrictions in place.
Their website doesn’t mention how often they get hacked to give away that data for free - to be clear, that data meaning A PICTURE OF YOUR ACTUAL FUCKING FACE. I don’t know what resolution, or even what someone would do with it later, I am focusing here on the fact that the picture taking seems nonconsensual, especially for it to be stored in a database rather than simply used in the moment.
Surely many who have them received them from elsewhere before immigration to America, and likewise the proportion of immigrants who have them I would expect to be oversized. Americans tend to be more greedy than anything else and don’t put in the effort required for such small (financial) rewards.
Also, those with PhDs tend to congregate into certain areas that support those jobs, i.e. cities but not even a goodly number of those so much; plus smaller college towns too ofc. As such, many in the general populace might rarely if ever run into one for the largest majority of their lives, unless traveling specifically to those areas for some reason?
And ofc rural areas are far larger, geographically speaking, than places where a person with a PhD would (likely) go. So you could randomly pick a spot on a map 100 times and never manage to find someone with a PhD anywhere within tens of miles, I would expect - although that line of thinking reveals my own biases: do most educated farmers stop at like an MS and just follow up with their own (possibly even extensive) self studies, or go all the way to PhDs while working their actual farms? (I doubt it bc it does not sound practical, and that is a hallmark of farmers afaik, but I could be wrong…) Anyway, I expect the unequal distribution is a contributing / exasperating factor to the general rarity.
But also, there is far less training data to mix and match responses from, so naively I would expect a higher plagiarism rate, by its very nature.
Less than 2% of the world’s population has a doctorate. According to the US Census Bureau, only 1.2% of the US population has a PhD.
Oh absolutely. And this being in academia, they likely will lose their job over it - like that Harvard professor who was accused of a highly similar form of plagiarism (borrowing long stretches of text while failing to cite the original source material). I was pointing out the absurdity of not doing that for politicians and CEOs:-(.
They might literally have had some psychological issue, where they were trying to see how far they could push it without being caught.
Or this whole article could be a hit job - maybe the original thesis literally wrapped these sections with text saying “here is an example of a plausible attempt at plagiarism that would not get caught today - please do not quote me out of context here, m’kay?”. The devil is in the details, and I for one am not volunteering to put in the amount of effort it would take to properly judge this person.
Although I bet their bosses are, now.
It makes sense - he spent so much time learning how the system worked, enough to get around it, so now he makes a living continuing the exploit. Many politicians and CEOs do the same.
No, there’s a lot more variety now that the bots have taken over.:-)
por que no los dos?
Life…ah, finds a way.
Don’t forget the rest of your phrase there: justify… “to who”?
If to you, he would have to do a LOT more than he has, for you to still buy in despite seeing that.
To them, merely having the title of “CEO” seems to be enough, to those who refuse to dig deeper. pOsItIoN oF aUtHoRiTaH.
They will be shocked, Shocked I tell you, SHOCKED when their money goes poof.
Put another way, your question presupposes several things, e.g. “In a fair world, how could that be allowed to happen!?”.
BTW, Donald Trump lowered the funding for the SEC, the agency responsible for investigation of financial fraud matters. Also he + the Republican Congress lowered the funding for the IRS too. After ACTUALLY “defunding the police” with his right hand - while simultaneously claiming that the leftists wanted to “defund the police” with his left - we will see a lot more of this than we did in the past.
In the past, criminals feared the police and did not want to get caught. Now that there are fewer investigations into financial frauds… we have FA, and we are about to FO.