Shareholders ought to be thankful we don’t know their names, addresses or anything or we’d be knee-capping them dumbasses.
Shareholders ought to be thankful we don’t know their names, addresses or anything or we’d be knee-capping them dumbasses.
I’m just worried that whoever has control will have some devious thoughts and just start misleading people into thinking they can’t get accounts back or they might’ve deleted it. Something. I’m really concerned about these turn of events for IA right now.
They could just decide one day to delete everything if they want to, if they feel what they have is not valuable enough from the previous breach.
Well I guess in your world view, it’s okay for them to steal everything out from you both physically and mentally even if it’s illegal. But to do anything back, then it’s just unfair. Pffft…
For this kind of thing to stop, people need to get real. We need someone to take it for the team and crowbar this guy’s knees.
Words don’t have meaning to these people. Logic, Reasoning is beyond comprehension.
Aren’t we at a point finally where maybe after so much debating, arguing, compromising and negotiating that has fallen through that maybe a lick of violence is the answer?
I can tell you if we took a crowbar to at least 10 Executives, throw 5 CEOs out from the highest windows and entrap 20 middle managing power-tripping pricks. I’m sure this would be a huge U-Turn for these people.
What do you mean? Net Neutrality has been restored.
Whenever I read stuff like this, my mind goes a bit hazy. Because I’m just finding myself asking ‘Why and when did the simple mechanic of passwords get this difficult?’
Maybe if password requirements weren’t stingingly stupid, companies cared more about actual security and not an obstacle course they’ve gotta send people through to do one thing. We wouldn’t ever know or need to know systems like this.
Yeah, it is portfolio-padding. I see this happen all of the time. Like, I see programs and other technological products start as newborn projects. It takes 1 - 3 years average to see them blossom, they have their big break and then somewhere down the road, the creator(s) are looking for buyers. Because they’ve made this project now with the means of profit so they can live a life worry-free from all of the years they worked developing said project.
And you know, I get it, I mean I’m not going to disagree with the principle. Don’t we all want to live worry-free with money for the rest of our lives?
But I do also get a tinge of hatred towards some of them because of the hundreds to thousands and even millions of people that have believed in them to use their products faithfully. And now they’re facing a new entity, god help us if it’s someone from a private firm or someone who’s a shareholder ass-kisser. Because now we’re going to experience the dip and we’ll be troubled with moving on or sticking with the shit that now has degraded because the whole thing is entirely for-profit.
No, their idea of value is bothering with a bunch of shit you could honestly give less of a shit about. Audible? Oh cool, you mean another service you gotta sign up for and keep track of? And you have to cancel that separately or get a subscription charge, which happened to me before. Aggravating.
Prime Video…E-Book…Games…
Yeah they’re trying to shove all of this content in your face and you may not likely be interested.
Neither would you, “Champ”.