Nah, the investors don’t see it as a benefit to your growth to pay people you don’t have to
Nah, the investors don’t see it as a benefit to your growth to pay people you don’t have to
WLED its built to work with ESP8266 / ESP32 So I recommend just getting an ESP8266; its the older and cheaper of the two at $15 for 5 (clone)
I was asking about RGB strip because using WLED effectively means you will be using one of some sort. I don’t think I would build it the same way but if I wanted to solve the problem with LED Strips I would get this
This strip is nice because it has cutlines after every LED (some strips have the cut lines at every 3) If you are comfortable soldering you can cut the LEDs apart and use wire to connect them together to get things from house to house
That could be an awesome solution to OPs biggest challenge
I use WLED a lot with strip lights and things and it works great
If you do WLED you should have no need for a bread board. Just get an ESP8266 with male headers and a nice(ish) 12V power supply that can run your strip. From Arduino to LED strip you only need to connect the data pin and ensure 12V PSU ground and 5V PSU ground are connected.
I am leaving the hiding of wires out because I have no clue.
I am curious as to what strip you are planning to use as you will need to (at least from my perspective) hack it apart and extend it with wires to get it nice.
(I advocate for RGB LEDs even though you only need warm white; the stupid stuff you can do with RGB on top of it having warm white is worth it)
Google does a lot of standards breaking things.
Like allowing a link on Google Apps Marketplace to open a new window (like popup) with POST instead of GET. (This pretty much ensures that buying an app will fail for browsers that follow the spec)
I was hoping for free :( BUT $150 for Zeiss lenses is pretty ok price wise. (especially when we are complaining about $150 on top of a $3500 device)
LLNL has achieved positive power output with their experiments.
No fusion reactor today is actually going to generate power in the useful sense.
These are more about understanding how Fusion works so that a reactor that is purpose built to generate power can be developed in the future.
Unlike the movies real development is the culmination of MANY small steps.
Today we are holding reactions for 20 minutes. 20 years ago getting a reaction to self sustain in the first place seemed impossible.