This is a common tactic. I’ve seen people describe the same process many times before.
- Nazi says literal Nazi shit.
- Person gets baited into responding.
- Person gets ban hammer. Nazi does not.
- Nazi moves on to next target. Repeat from step 1.
They usually trot this out when they see a comment or account they want to silence. That’s how the fascists do censorship on reddit.
It’s happened to me too. Since then I’ve seen people saying the same general thing has happened to them. They must know that reddits content moderators, the “Anti-evil Operations” or whatever bullshit, is on their side. It’s the only explanation. Probably the nazis went and got jobs there. Or maybe it’s just that spez is a nazi himself. Reddit beneath the thin veneer of default subreddits has always been a very right leaning platform.
The goal has always been engagement prisons. Where people never leave the platform. With generated content this must seem like a final step. They don’t need to make people to interact with each other in ways that keeps both of them engaged. They don’t need to leech content from other sites while preventing people from going to the site. With generated content people will interact with themselves while engaged in completely fabricated content. It’s even more dystopian than ever.