Whatever the linguistic details, one of the main roles of RSS is to supply directly to you a steady stream of updates from a website. Every new article published on that site is served up in a list that can be interpreted by an RSS reader.
Unfortunately, RSS is no longer how most of us consume “content.” (Google famously killed its beloved Google Reader more than a decade ago.) It’s now the norm to check social media or the front pages of many different sites to see what’s new. But I think RSS still has a place in your life: Especially for those who don’t want to miss anything or have algorithms choosing what they read, it remains one of the best ways to navigate the internet. Here’s a primer on what RSS can (still!) do for you, and how to get started with it, even in this late era of online existence.
people don’t do RSS anymore because websites don’t do posts. everything is on some shitty proprietary social media shithole
I have a really intense desire to nibble an attractive mans toes.
Even stranger I have a need to tell someone about it.
Congratulations to you, I guess?
Hope you find something to fulfill your wish!
I’m confused if you’re mocking op or this is actually some challenge you’re doing
I live a life of whimsical nonsense and was probably horny for a moment so just blurted out what was on my mind. I find it amusing the number of downvotes I got.
I’m guessing most people thought you were mocking OP. Especially that last sentence would be sarcastic-mean, if it made any sense
I don’t know why you’re being downloaded I think this is an important post
Thank you! At least someone understands.
Google Reader shutdown has completely changed the way I was ingesting information. It was so convenient, I always had 2-3 days worth of articles, web comics and news for reading.
Another problem was that many sites shifted to providing only parts of articles instead of full versions, and it was still the time when I wasn’t always online to finish reading.Sigh, that was my wake up call to not rely on google products.
The Google Reader shutdown hit me hard also. They offered all of the features in a really great app and many of the competitors shut down in their wake, so when they exited the scene, it left a huge hole.
I jumped to Feedly and have been using that ever since. After they killed reader, I’ve been very hesitant of using any new Google product, expecting and seeing them all inevitably die.
Seconded. Back when Feedly had a “pay one price” special for Google reader refugees.
I stopped following sites with dubious commercial tactics like the one you mention. After all, information is not so rare these days.
Another problem was that many sites shifted to providing only parts of articles instead of full versions
That annoys me so much, that is the number one reason why I use Feeder more than Feedly nowadays (I manually keep them synced, Feedly is multiplatform and Feeder sadly isn’t) as it has a feature to download the page and use their native app view, so much better than going to the site (even with Ublock I’d rather not go unless I want to comment or see comments, which sadly isn’t a thing for most of the sites nowadays).
Oh, cool, thank you, I’ll check Feeder out. I want my stuff to be on my phone. I’m going to the airport right now, and spending 8,5 hours without internet. It’s funny that I wouldn’t have a problem with that in 2008, but I have now :)
Is that the OSS F_Droid feeder or the other one?
Reddit and Twitter were my RSS reader replacement. But then they shot themselves in the foot. Mastodon is not there yet. Lemmy is almost there, but still missing the non techy communities.
Yes RSS came back strong in my life after Reddit and Twitter shit the bed.
Lemmy is almost there, but still missing the non techy communities
Thank god, have you seen how the world is out there? Crazy shit /s
Friendica has the RSS feature and it is compatible with most Activity Pub services.
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What, search? Listen, you don’t actually want that, you want recommendations from our amazing algorithm and AI based on overall connections between topics and trends and other very complex things. You don’t even know what it is you’re looking for, but we do, so here are some results that generate revenue for us. //Google
RSS is fucking amazing.
I use Feeder on Android and QuiteRSS on my laptop and desktop. I use it for everything from local news and tech news, to YouTube subscriptions. It’s great. Forget social media with enshitification and profit driven motives. RSS is all you need.
Feeder is a perfectly functional RSS reader for Android, and the only updated and straight forward one on F-Droid when I decided to set up my feeds, and an app I’ve seen suggested on Lemmy several times when there’s mention of RSS…
but why doesn’t it have groups? I’ve got my general news mixed with tech news, cluttered in between the rest of it- it does have grouping and it’s called “tags”this thread made me re-check and there are some new options in there and at least one will let you group the feeds: Read You
EDIT: dumb take
I can do groups in feeder.
omg, thank you. i just learnt about the “tags” function that I’ve always assumed worked differently without even trying it
Read You is great
I use Feeder on Android, it’s open source.
Got Feeder to try RSS on my PC based on this post, added a bunch of cool sites, was enjoying it, and then quickly got smacked in the face with “upgrade to view more posts”.
Anyone recommend an RSS reader that doesn’t have stupid “fuck you, pay me” limitations?
https://www.inoreader.com/ used it for years it’s great!
Oof. The real Feeder is a FOSS Android app, get it on F-Droid.
On PC,
there are twoFirefox plugins, one to bring back “live bookmarks” (RSS feeds), and one to bring back the radio-waves-like icon in the address bar of sites with RSS feeds available. Let me check…Edit: It’s just one plugin, Livemarks. If you put the bookmark it creates into the bookmarks toolbar, then it becomes a drop-down menu of the headlines/RSS items. 👍
Thanks, I’m trying that
I use Thunderbird for RSS…however I should also admit I only have two things - xkcd and another comic that hasn’t been posted in so long I think it might be dead.
What’s the cost?
I downloaded Feedly and they want 8 bucks a month, which seems high considering they don’t actually create the content. I’m all for paying developers but that’s more than I pay fo other actual new sources
It’s for the service. It’s not a local rss reader, it works like email. Local/offline ones are usually cheap/free
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When I left Reddit I fired up Feedly and did some house cleaning. Still looking for more decent feeds.
Here are some of mine: XKCD, Nature, Slashdot, New Scientist, FactCheck, Neurologica, Science Based Medicine
What else you got?
All youtube channels have their own feeds, but they’re not obvious to find. The first part of the URL looks like this:
Go to the channel’s home page and search the page source for “channel_id=” (with a long string of numbers and letters after it, often starting with a “U”) then paste the ID after the equal sign. The channel id looks something like this: UCtwKon9qMt5YLVgQt1tvJKg
Hang on, do you or anyone else know if it’s possible to add playlists to RSS in this way? There are channels that I overall don’t want to watch but that have a specific playlist I want to follow.
You wouldn’t need that if YouTube actually sent notifications like it’s supposed to. So this will come in handy.
This might be useful for their community posts - is there a seperate feed for them or are they included in the videos feed?
I never see the community posts anywhere except for the home page & on the creator’s page. Which makes it frustrating because I only stay in the subscriptions page - so I only get updates if they upload a video.
Yeah, this doesn’t include community posts. I haven’t tried finding one tho
Vivaldi detects these automatically so you can in a couple of clicks. It’s great
arstechnica has a premium RSS for $3 a month that has no ads. I love it.
And full text!
What if I told you that I have never used Google to view RSS news feeds? It seems to me that these stereotypes about people’s attachment to Google services only take place somewhere in the USA and Europe.
I’ve never left RSS. Went to Feedly like a lot of people. These days I’m using a self-hosted instance of miniflux because I got sick of Feedly making “enhanced” feeds and then not letting me get to the real RSS feed anymore.
I went with a self-hosted FreshRSS instance, it has its issues but it works well with the client apps I use.
I need this miniflux in my life. I’ve been just putting up with Feedly. I understand they have to make money, but I don’t want to pay for RSS. Especially if I can DIY.
What is this enhanced feed feature of Feedly that I have never heard of? Is it a premium feature of something?
I ran into a couple of them but the most notable was reddit (before the APIpocolypse). If you try to subscribe to the RSS feed of a sub it will ignore your request and ask you to sign in to Reddit instead. It then uses the API instead of the RSS feed and reports your reading habits back to Reddit.
I mean, I’m all for it, but I thought the problem was that so many sites stopped offering RSS output options.
Perhaps I’m just an old 40 year old fart, but the Internet was better before. I miss the 00s and the 10s. Now it’s just paywalls, LLM generated bullshit, and search results from SEO orgies
I’m still finding rather many RSS feeds, though there’s few buttons these days. Ideally, you want something that auto-discovers feeds on a webpage.
Or if they do, it’s not the full article. Which I get, them being in the business of selling ads and all.
This is why I stopped using rss. I fucking hate seeing an headline I’m interested in, clicking to expand and then having to click through to the site to read the article, dismiss the goddam email list overlay, fight with the stupid paywall, and then close the tab out of frustration.
I miss the days of actually reading articles in my rss feed reader.
The problem with most rss readers IMHO is that they lack a decent filter function. ttrss had great filters, but I stopped using it when they switched their dev process (I think to docker at the time, which I couldn’t use with my hoster). Now using rss guard, not too happy but surviving.
RSS is great, but often contains a lot of noise. If you can filter only what you care about, great. Otherwise it’s just information overload.
RSS is great, but often contains a lot of noise
I think you nailed it there. Curating is too much of a hassle.
I’m using Feeder app and it’s the best. Others are resource heavy and light apps won’t load the whole story instead redirects. Which is a problem. Feeder on the other hand, free open source privacy respecting light app which shows the whole story in the app itself. Very very useful and not a disturbing one.
I love TinyTinyRSS (self hosted) and lire for iOS which syncs with it. Very powerful setup. I have issues with overusing social media sites so I have sites like Lemmy do the “Top Week” and so on for areas I’m interested in.
Cool setup, mine is pretty similar, but I use self-hosted FreshRSS instead.
I’ve tried so many times. I went ahead and checked out feedly right now just to have them change my mind, and they failed miserably. You run into paywall issues right away, they don’t list pretty major newspapers I would assume to have rss, and adding something like business insider or the independent gives you so much dung mixed with the things you are actually interested in.
Let’s say I’m into business, but don’t want car related news? What if I’m into investing yet don’t want to hear about Trump?
If there was something like “more like this”/“less like this” function, then maybe, but just at a glance, one of many, I don’t see how it could present me with the info I want in the structure I want.
Global events and news
Economical trends on both macro and micro level for specific domains
Exclude entertainment, sports, fashion, drama
Update every hour
Total headlines max 30 per day
Max visible 7 at a time.I’ve tried, and it’s not worth the hassle even trying to set that up. For me, at least.
Adding any RSS feed is like getting an information enema with raisins sprinkled in.
What shit app were you trying to use, get feeder and add the proper topic specific rss if you want to categorize like “business”. I never even get the time to read through all the news because there are literally hundreds of articles being added to the feed daily.
And AntennaPod for your podcast needs.
Read You is another great RSS client for Android
I suggest you give it another try, it can actually do what you’re asking it to do. Sounds like you just added the global feed of crap.
For better results, you typically have to search “<newspaper website> rss” and hope they have decent support. It’s really hit or miss.
For example, the independent that you were asking for, actually has a huge amount of fine tuning you can do. Go ahead and check their link and add the categories you’d like to read about instead catching all that junk you don’t care about: